
Monica Neagoy, was first exposed to yoga in the early 1990s, but returned to it in 2005 after closing LE NEON Theatre—the professional French-American theatre in Rosslyn, Virginia, which she co-directed with her husband Didier Rousselet for 16 years—specializing in a highly physical art form based on movement, mime, and stylized dance.

YogaShe has practiced yoga intensively over the past eight years and earned her certification as an internationally certified, Yoga-Alliance, hatha yoga instructor in 2008. Monica’s sincere desire is to bring to others, through the practice of yoga, better health to the body, more focus to the mind, and lasting peace to the spirit. With over 20 years of teaching experience teaching mathematics teachers, she values pedagogy—the art and science of teaching. Her classes in the United States and abroad, where she has taught yoga in various venues either in English, French, or Spanish, are reputed for her clear and articulate instructions intended to help students get the most out of their yoga experience—and enjoy it! Her concept of a yoga practice as a moving meditation that challenges, enlivens, and relaxes all at once. Monica’s exposure to many cultures, mastery of several languages, professional involvement in both the arts (theatre) and the sciences (mathematics), combined with her growing knowledge of alternative healing methods and mind-body medicine provide her with a unique perspective on the teaching and learning of yoga.

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