Trois comédiens et un musicien évoquent avec humour et sensibilité les rapports de l’homme avec la marche : de nos ancêtres bipèdes au monde de l’automobile, des déboires du fantassin aux joies du randonneur, des épreuves du bébé aux défis du vieillard. Un défilé endiablé de personnages variés venus de l’histoire, des contes, du cinéma ou de la vie quotidienne. Spectacle musical, poétique et burlesque qui emprunte au cirque, au cabaret, à la danse. Tout public !
jeudi 10 juillet et vendredi 11 juillet,
mardi 15 juillet et mercredi 16 juillet,
à 20h30
Au Château de Picomtal
05200 Crots, près d’Embrun, Hautes-Alpes
At Corwin-Press I published an article titled “Rethinking Fraction Division: One of the Hardest Topics to Teach and Learn“.
If you are wondering, “Well, why do we invert and then multiply?” or if you are having a hard time to come up with a situation illustrating fraction division in a way that’s meaningful to a 4th, 5th, or even a 6th grader, rest assured you are not alone (Borko et al., 1992; Philipp, 2000): fraction division is probably the hardest elementary topic to teach. Recently, a seasoned professional development provider was unable to come up with a real world example for a group of upper elementary teachers.
The reasons why students (and sometimes teachers) have difficulties with fraction division are many, most of which I can’t expand on in a blog post (for detailed information, see my book, Planting the Seeds of Algebra, 3-5). However, I name some in that post and then develop two below.